Thanks to my great personal learning network, I recently came across these two web tools that I feel are an awesome addition to any classroom today.

First, let’s check out Sidevibe…

Our team of teachers and designers focused on creating the next-generation model for Web based teaching tools. Your focus is teaching and you need to include manageable student Web experiences in your classroom.

SideVibe has revolutionized the classroom handout model by putting it online and delivering it with a world class, data base powered solution.

Now you can take your students to any destination on the Web, interact with them, guide them, collect and assess their work seamlessly.

Let us show you how SideVibe can simplify the Web and save you time.

Learn more:

Check out their demo video:

Now, let’s take a look at

Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers by engaging their classrooms with a series of educational exercises and games. Our apps are super simple and take seconds to login. Socrative runs on tablets, smartphones, and laptops.

Learn more:

Check out their demo video:

Socrative introduction video (new) from Socrative Inc. on Vimeo.

If you’d like to try either (or both) of these out and need help, please don’t hesitate to ask!